Upload your artworks

Once you have completed your registration as a new artist in Pictoclub, your next step will be to uploade your works to the Gallery. It is a simple and intuitive process that will take you step by step completing each relevant aspect of your works.

From your account you will be able to upload new work, but also edit and update the one already uploaded. There is no limit to the number of works, so we recommend that you upload as many as possible. Collectors tend to prefer prolific artists and those who offer a larger catalog of works. Keep it always updated. Nothing worst for the reputation of an artist than offering artworks which are not really available. 

1. BASIC INFORMATION – Images, Title, Year and Description

The process of uploading the works is simple and intuitive. In any case, here you will find a brief explanation of the process and some tips that can be of help to you.


      • You can upload a maximum of 4 images for each of your works.
      • Images must be 1200 x 1500 pixels or larger.
      • The main image will be the one that appears by default in the gallery.
      • The rest of the photos will only be visible on the artwork page.
      • Reserve the main photo for a full frontal image of the work.
      • Use secondary photos to highlight specific details of the work.

Insert the title of your artwork and the year in which it was created.

A few tips when naming your artworks:

      • Keep it simple, keep it short. Let the artwork do the talking
      • Make it descriptive and evocative. Make the collector dream
      • Avoid common names or clichés.
      • Avoid naming your artworks as ‘untitled’, it will get lost in search engines



What kind of Artwork is yours? Choose one of the following options:

      • Unique and single – not open for reproduction.
      • Open Edition – open for reproductions not limited in number
      • Limited Edition – open for reproduction but limited in number. In limited editions each artwork is signed and numbered. You will be responsible for keeping the limited edition sequence updated on the product page. Remember you will be selling the artwork next in number and the collector will expect this sequence to be accurate.


Write a short description of your work. What does it mean? What have you been inspired by? What do you want to convey? How was the creative process? Is it part of a series? You have 600 characters, make them count.



Choose one of the following options and decide how you want your work to appear in the gallery:

      • On sale
      • Sold out
      • Not available

Use this last option when you want to temporarily withdraw a work from sale. You can modify this choice as many times as you want.


* Screenshot from the website

PICTOCLUB Artwork Uploading Page

2. CHARACTERISTICS – Filters and Keywords

Next, you must select the characteristics that best define your work in the following fields:

      • Category
      • Support or medium
      • materials
      • Subjet
      • Style
      • Colours
      • Orientation
      • Frame
      • ...

In many of these categories you can select more than one option. The information you provide here will be key when defining your work and appearing in filtered searches in the gallery.

* Screenshot from the website

PICTOCLUB Attributes of the Artworks



The next step will be to indicate the dimensions of your work.

Is it available in various sizes? We offer you the possibility of entering up to 5 different sizes for the same work.
Remember that only if you marked your artwork as ‘open’ or ‘limited edition’ you will be giving this option. If your artwork was marked as ‘unique’ only one dimension is allowed.



Next to each size you will find the box that will allow you to enter the price of your work. Don’t forget to enter the corresponding public price for each size. This is the price that collectors will see published on the website. Next to it you will see your commission, all taxes included. This is the amount you will receive if your artwork is sold.

Consider this when pricing your works:.

  • Dont undersell – consider working hours, cost of materials and your profit margin
  • Include the cost of packaging. You will be responsible for it.
  • Do research on comparable atworks – check at what price similar artists sell their works
  • Be consistent – Avoid frequent and sudden changes in prices
  • If you sell on different platforms, keep the same price for the same artwork.
  • Be realistic – avoid pricing from the heart or ambition


VAT for EU Artists – if you are an artist based in the EU the amount shown as ‘Your commission’ already includes your taxes. Please consider this with pricing your artworks.


.Pictoclub promotions. Remember that Pictoclub carries out periodic promotions (10%) that will affect the final price you receive. When a collector purchases a work with a promotional code, the discount will also affect the price you set.


Collectors Offers. Pictoclub offers collectors the possibility of making offers for the works. These offers usually include a discount proposal of around 15% – 20%. You can accept, decline or counter offer. The final decision will always be yours, but keep these factors in mind when setting a price for your works.

* Screenshot from the website

PICTOCLUB Dimensions and Prices of the Artworks



How is your artwork packed? Choose one of the following options:

      • Crate
      • Cardboard Box
      • Tube

Indicate the dimensions and weight of the artwork packed. This is information is relevant for us to make pick-up and shipping arrangements. Provide accurate information as you will be responsible for any extra charges as a consequence of mistaken on inaccurate information.

We strongly recommend you carefully read our Packing and Shipping guidelines

Our works are insured, but this coverage is not applicable when the damages that occur in a work during its transport are the consequence of insufficient, incorrect or deficient packaging. Remember, the money best spent is in sturdy packaging.



Where should we collect an artwork if sold? Provide us with a full address and a contact number.

* Screenshot from the website

PICTOCLUB Packing and Logistics of the Artworks


Done uploading? Check your orders

Finished uploading all your artworks?

Check Section ‘Orders & Sales’.
The Orders Chart will help you manage your orders.
Know what to do when you sell one of your works

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